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Event Series Event Series: Epistemology Seminar

Epistemology Seminar: Carlotta Pavese (Cornell University)

2nd May 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

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Speaker: Carlotta Pavese (Cornell University)

Are there essentially intentional actions?

A long tradition in action theory holds that there are such things as essentially intentional actions—actions that are intentional whenever performed (Anscombe, Davidson, Bennett, Turri, etc). In my talk, I argue that the existence of essentially intentional action is a philosophical myth and that this has interesting repercussions in action theory and in epistemology. In the first part of my talk, I defend the claim that the doctrine of essentially intentional actions is incompatible with a desirable practical knowledge condition on intentional actions, which I argue we have independent reasons to embrace. In the second part of my talk I argue that the doctrine of essentially intentional actions is incompatible with a plausible solution to a puzzle—the puzzle of novice learning—-that arises for certain kinds of theories of action and I contend that is an additional reason to reject the doctrine. Finally, I explore some interesting conclusions that follow from rejecting the doctrine of essentially intentional actions.


2nd May 2024
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Edgecliffe G03