Home / News / Arché Awarded Major AHRC Research Funding for the Philosophical Methodology project


Arché has been awarded major AHRC funding of close to £900,000 for its planned four-year research project on Philosophical Methodology. The project, to be led by Jessica

Brown and Herman Cappelen, will commence in September 2008 and run along Arché’s standard lines with the appointment of postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D. students and the formation of an associated network of international scholars. The fellowships and studentships will be advertised shortly with the intention that they are filled for the start of the 2008-9 academic session.

This grant, coupled with the comparable AHRC awards for Basic Knowledge (June 2006) and for Contextualism and Relativism (June 2007), completes a remarkable hat-trick. The three projects have multiple points of interconnection and issues of common relevance, and their simultaneous funding by the AHRC paves the way for a concerted overall programme of collaborative research of fundamental significance for contemporary analytical philosophy.

email. Further information about the project and appointments will be available on this site soon.

The Research Problem