Arché has been awarded AHRC funding of close to £800,000 for a three-and-a half year research project on the Foundations of Logical Consequence. The project, to be led by Stephen Read, Graham Priest and Stewart Shapiro will commence in January 2009 and be managed along standard Archean lines with the appointment of postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D. students and the formation of an associated network of international scholars. The fellowships and studentships will be advertised shortly with the intention that they are filled for the start of the calendar year 2009.
This grant, coupled with the comparable recent AHRC awards for Basic Knowledge (June 2006), Contextualism and Relativism (June 2007), and Philosophical Methodology (January 2008) continues a remarkable series. The Foundations of Logical Consequence project will involve a substantial epistemological component as well as a study of logical revisionism and pluralism and will thus have many points of interconnection to and issues of common relevance with the other three projects. Their simultaneous funding by the AHRC paves the way for a concerted collaborative research programme of hitherto unmatched scale on issues of fundamental significance for contemporary analytical philosophy.
Inquiries and informal expressions of interest about the postdoctoral fellowships and doctoral studentships associated with the project, or from potential interested visiting scholars, are welcome by email. Further information about the project and appointments will be available on this site soon.