Home / 2023 / September

  • Publication: Jessica Brown

    Publication: Jessica Brown

    Jessica’s paper “Group belief and direction of fit” has been published in Philosophical Studies.

  • Publication: Aaron Cotnoir

    Publication: Aaron Cotnoir

    Aaron’s article “Carving up the Network of Powers” has been published as part of an edited volume entitled “Powers, Parts and Wholes: Essays on the...

  • St Andrews Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy

    St Andrews Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy

    The final program for the St Andrews Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy is out! Happening on the 25th-26th of September. Featuring Maria Victoria Salazar, Michael...

  • Publication: Victor Tamburini

    Publication: Victor Tamburini

    Victor’s paper entitled “Saying (Nothing) and Conversational Implicatures” has been published in the Pacific Philosophical Quarterly.