Home / 2022 / May

  • Publication: Greg Restall

    Publication: Greg Restall

    Greg Restall has a recent publication, Proofs and Models in Philosophical Logic by Cambridge University Press.

  • Portrait picture of Petronella Randell

    Paper accepted for Joint Session 2022: Petronella Randell

    Petronella will be giving a talk entitled ‘The value of risk in transformative experience’, which highlights the inherent value of risk and how it can...

  • Paper accepted for 2022 Joint Session: Jace Snodgrass

    Paper accepted for 2022 Joint Session: Jace Snodgrass

    Jace’s paper, “Property Identity: Applying ‘Leibniz’s Law’ to Properties” has been accepted to the Postgraduate Session for the 2022 Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society...

  • Publication: Tom Kaspers

    Publication: Tom Kaspers

    “Speak no ill of the dead: the dead as a social group,” Tom Kaspers’ new publication is co-authored with Jacob LiBrizzi, Duccio Calosi and Yoichi...

  • Publication: Special Issue of RoPP, PLM5

    Publication: Special Issue of RoPP, PLM5

    The Review of Philosophy and Psychology has published a special issue containing papers presented at the Fifth Philosophy of Language and Mind conference, hosted by...