Home / 2021

  • PhD Funding Opportunity (Philosophy and Psychology)

    PhD Funding Opportunity (Philosophy and Psychology)

    We are pleased to announce a full scholarship funded by St Leonard’s Postgraduate College, to support a student undertaking doctoral research in the following project:...

  • PhD Funding Opportunities

    The School of Philosophical, Anthropological, and Film Studies has announced three new School Widening Participation Scholarships for 2022/23 PGR applicants.  Information is available at https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/postgraduate/scholarships/pafs-phd-widening-access/.

  • Research Grant Success

    Research Grant Success

    Jessica Brown has been awarded a two-year Major Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust to investigate the moral responsibility of groups, commencing September 2021.

  • Publication –  Aaron Cotnoir

    Publication – Aaron Cotnoir

    Aaron’s book (co-authored with Achille Varzi) Mereology appeared in print over the summer. It is published by Oxford University Press.

  • New Research Stream: Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory

    New Research Stream: Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory

    We are pleased to announce that starting this semester, Arché will host a new research stream: Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory.  The stream will focus...

  • Congratulations to Dr Lewis Ross

    Congratulations to Dr Lewis Ross

    Congratulations to Dr Lewis Ross (St Andrews 2014-19) on his appointment to an Assistant Professorship at the London School of Economics.

  • Publication: Derek Ball and Torfinn Huvenes

    Publication: Derek Ball and Torfinn Huvenes

    Derek Ball and Torfinn Thomesen Huvenes’s article, ‘A puzzle about accommodation and truth‘ has been published in Philosophical Studies.

  • Publication: Jean Gové

    Publication: Jean Gové

    Jean’s paper,  Distributed Cognition, Neuroprostheses and their Implications to Non-Physicalist Theories of Mind, was recently published by Forum Philosophicum and is now available online.  ...

  • Publication: Jessica Brown

    Publication: Jessica Brown

    Jessica’s book Group motivation has been published by Nous.

  • Workshop on Theories of Paradox in the Middle Ages: Recordings

    Workshop on Theories of Paradox in the Middle Ages: Recordings

    Recordings of nine of the talks given in October at the Workshop on Theories of Paradox in the Middle Ages are now available on the...