Education and Student Experience

About the Education and Student Experience

The Education and Student Experience is part of the Principal’s Office and is headed by the Vice-Principal Education (Proctor) who has responsibility for all matters relating to teaching, learning and assessment across the University, as well as Student Services, the Graduate School, student discipline and a range of student-facing areas such as the Chaplaincy and the Students’ Association.

The Proctor is supported by the AVP Dean of Learning and Teaching and Provost and the Director of Student Experience.

Ros Claase
Director of Student Experience

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2342
Location: College Gate

Ros’ role is to develop and coordinate a coherent student experience strategy across the University, enabling all of our students to thrive and develop over the course of their studies. She is responsible for the Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development and the Education Policy and Quality team, and works in close partnership with academic and professional services teams across the University to develop and deliver a joined-up student experience strategy.

In particular, Ros will:

  • Lead the enhancement of our co- and extra-curricular student experience to ensure a cohesive excellent experience for all students through a period of digital transformation.
  • Work in partnership with academic and professional services colleagues to ensure an aligned and coherent approach to delivering an excellent co- and extra-curricular experience for all students at all stages of their learner journey.
  • Work with our Students’ Association Sabbatical Officers to better understand our students’ experiences and to co-design and deliver activities and opportunities to enhance these.
  • Chair a new Student Experience Strategic Management Group.

Nicola Milton
Head of Education Policy and Quality

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2131
Location: College Gate

The Head of Education Policy is a member of the Proctor’s Office management team working closely with Senior Vice-Principal and Proctor and Deans.

  • Conduct research for the Proctor preparing briefings and reports for all engagements and/or external meetings.
  • Manage special projects and/or initiatives on behalf of the Proctor and Deans.
  • Clerk to the Academic Business Committee.
  • Management of the administrative team.
  • Liaise with external agencies.
  • Strategic policy development.
  • Liaison with and working alongside the Planning Unit and Graduate School on policy and institutional matters.
  • Lead initiatives in collaboration with decanal team. 

Emily Feamster
Deputy Head of Education Policy and Quality

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2010
Location: College Gate

The Deputy Head of Education Policy is a member of the Proctor’s Office management team working closely with Senior Vice-Principal and Proctor and Deans.

  • Conduct research for the Proctor preparing briefings and reports for all engagements and/or external meetings.
  • Manage special projects and/or initiatives on behalf of the Proctor and Deans.
  • Management of the administrative team.
  • Liaise with external agencies.
  • Strategic policy development.
  • Liaison with and working alongside the Planning Unit and Graduate School on policy and institutional matters.
  • Lead initiatives in collaboration with decanal team. 

Profile picture of Dr Brian HoDr Brian Ho
Academic Policy Officer (Taught Degrees)

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 4035
Location: College Gate

The Academic Policy Officer (Taught Degrees) is responsible for the development and implementation of Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate educational strategy and policy within the University.

  • Develop and implement the University’s regulatory and policy framework for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate degrees.
  • Advice, guidance and support in relation to research Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate policy matters.
  • Lead developments to enhance the Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate student experience.
  • Clerk for the Learning and Teaching Committee.
  • Lead and support institution-wide projects and working groups related to Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate education.
  • Maintains an overview of sector developments in Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate education.

Academic Policy

Rosalind Campbell
Academic Policy Officer (Quality)

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3600
Location: College Gate

The Academic Policy Officer (Quality) focuses on enhancing the student learning experience via a range of projects and events, and implementation of the Quality Enhancement Framework.

  • Oversees, participates in, and reports on University-led Reviews of Learning and Teaching.
  • Coordinates the Schools’ annual reflection on learning and teaching activities.
  • Clerks University committees (Academic Assurance Group and Academic Monitoring Group).
  • Designs and facilitates events in collaboration with colleagues to showcase and embed innovative practices in learning and teaching.
  • Provides advice, guidance and support to colleagues in relation to quality monitoring/enhancement policies and practices.

Karen Murphy
Academic Policy Officer (Quality)

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 4036
Location: College Gate

The Academic Policy Officer (Quality) focuses on enhancing the student learning experience via a range of projects and events, and implementation of the Quality Enhancement Framework.

  • Oversees, participates in, and reports on University-led Reviews of Learning and Teaching.
  • Coordinates the Schools’ annual reflection on learning and teaching activities.
  • Clerks University committees (Academic Assurance Group and Academic Monitoring Group).
  • Designs and facilitates events in collaboration with colleagues to showcase and embed innovative practices in learning and teaching.
  • Provides advice, guidance and support to colleagues in relation to quality monitoring/enhancement policies and practices.

Dr Jennifer NorrisJennifer Norris
Academic Policy Officer (Digital & Student Experience)

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 4207
Location: College Gate
Email for Academic Misconduct:

The Academic Policy Officer (Digital & Student Experience) is responsible for the development and implementation of educational and student experience strategy and policy within the University, especially with reference to new and existing online programmes.

  • Develop and implement the University’s regulatory and policy framework for online education and student experience
  • Advice, guidance and support in relation to research online education policy matters.
  • Lead developments to enhance student experience.
  • Lead and support institution-wide projects and working groups related to online education and student experience.
  • Maintain an overview of sector developments in online education and student experience.

Hazel GrapesHazel Grapes
Administrative Officer


The Administrative Officer is responsible for supporting the Proctor’s Office in a broad range of learning and teaching activities.

  • Administrative and organisational support for the Head of Education Policy and Academic Policy Officers.
  • Maintains and develops the Learning and Teaching websites.
  • Provides administrative support to the Associate Deans and Associate Provosts.
  • Supporting working groups reporting to Education Strategy Management Group.
  • Conducting research to support the development of new or updated academic policies under the direction of the Acting Head of Education Policy and Quality.

Catriona YoungCatriona Young profile picture
Administrative Officer

Location: Walter Bower House

The Administrative Officer is responsible for supporting the Proctor’s Office in a broad range of learning and teaching activities.

  • Administrative and organisational support for the Head of Education Policy and Academic Policy Officers.
  • Provides administrative support to the Associate Deans and Associate Provosts including the coordination of the University's academic misconduct process.
  • Maintains and develops the Learning and Teaching websites.
  • Supporting working groups reporting to Education Strategy Management Group.
  • Conducting research to support the development of new or updated academic policies under the direction of the Acting Head of Education Policy and Quality.

Laura PalmerLaura Palmer profile photo
Administrator (Proctor’s Office)

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3230
Location: College Gate

The Administrator provides administrative support to the Academic Policy Officers, particularly with respect to the University’s key quality monitoring and enhancement processes. These include University-led reviews of learning and teaching, Annual Academic Monitoring, the Enhancement Theme and Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR).

  • Provides administrative support to the Head of Education Policy and Quality, and other members of the Academic Policy team as required.
  • Supports the Academic Policy Officer (Quality) in all aspects of academic monitoring, in particular the administration of University-led reviews of learning and teaching, and Annual Academic Monitoring.
  • Provides administrative support in preparation for, and follow up to, Enhancement-led institutional review (ELIR).
  • Schedules and provides administrative support for University Committee meetings.
  • Provides administrative support to the Enhancement Theme Lead.

Personal Assistants

Heather Bain
Personal Assistant to the Vice-Principal Education (Proctor)
Personal Assistant to Strategic Advisor on External Relations

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2583
Location: College Gate

The Personal Assistant to the Vice-Principal Education (Proctor) is the Proctor’s first point of contact with people from both within and outside the University.

  • Diary management and meeting organisation.
  • Management of the Proctor’s email account, ensuring timely responses, prioritising issues, taking action or referring on issues as appropriate.
  • Support the Proctor in the preparations for graduation.
  • Support the Proctor in dealing with student disciplinary matters.
  • Ensure that the Proctor is prepared for public and ceremonial occasions such as the annual welcome event for new academic staff, and speeches at internal and external events. 
  • Clerk to the Younger Hall Project Board, and William and Mary Academic Board.

Special Projects

Dr Christine Lusk Profile ImageDr Christine (Chris) Lusk
Head of Special Projects (Principal's Office) and Executive Director of CATRiS (Consortium of Anti-Trafficking Research in Scotland)

Previously Director of Student Services for 25 years, managing welfare, counselling and disability services to the student body, Chris joined the Proctor’s Office as a stand-alone Head of Special Projects in 2018.

As such, she is brought in by the University Principal’s Office to focus on predominantly welfare-related areas which have been identified need specialist focus and strategic evaluation. She then follows through outcomes, usually by creating a taskforce to realise identified actions, embed procedures and protocols to guide staff, before referring on to appropriate units in the University for long-term sustainability.

Examples of recent projects include:

  • A review of the Residential Support system.
  • Conducting an institutional Mental Health Audit, and then designing a Mental Health Training programme for all staff and students.
  • Restructuring the Student Discipline Process.
  • Establishing a Student Health Hub in the local Community Hospital in collaboration with NHS.
  • Creating CATRiS (The Consortium of Anti-Trafficking Research in Scotland). As Executive Director Chris directs and liaises with researchers across Scotland’s Higher Education, working with the drivers of “Trafficking”.  All aspects are considered; Human, Drugs, Arms and Wildlife, with collaborative opportunities identified. The aim is to use shared research to offer insight to Government and Law Enforcement agencies.
  • Since September 2020 Chris has established the CRRT (the Coronavirus Rapid Response Team), working with the Asymptomatic Testing Centre, Public Health, NHS, Scottish Government. Chris manages the team who offer in-house support and advice for those who come into potential contact with the virus.