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Undergraduate assessments and awards



Upon academic recommendation of a degree award or at the end of an undergraduate programme of study the Academic Registry calculates the recommended classification using the University’s approved degree classification algorithm. The algorithm to determine Honours Degree classification uses the credit-weighted mean and median of all Honours-level grades awarded in the Honours years. There are no discretionary classification border zones and the final degree classification is an academic decision.

St Andrews Grade Point Average (GPA)

The St Andrews GPA for undergraduate Honours students is the credit-weighted mean of Honours-level grades awarded during the Honours years. This does not include results achieved during the sub-Honours years, which typically consist of the first two years of a student's degree programme.  The St Andrews GPA is calculated during classification and is displayed at the same time as the degree classification and/or degree award. The St Andrews GPA uses a 20-point common reporting scale with classification and module final assessments at the University.

Decimal places and the classification algorithm

Only one decimal place is displayed on student records, including transcripts, but two decimal places are used in the calculation of the mean and median. When determining classification outcomes, values that are equidistant from two possible rounded values are rounded up. There are no discretionary classification border zones.

For example, 16.493 is rounded to 16.49 and therefore a classification outcome of 2.ii or Merit will be awarded; 16.495 is rounded up to become 16.50 and therefore a First or Distinction will be awarded.

St Andrews degree classification to US GPA conversion

The University of St Andrews does not provide a formal conversion of the St Andrews GPA into the grading scales of other countries. Students requiring this will need to use the services of a credential evaluation agency.

The following table provides an indication of the range of USA GPA which may be considered equivalent to each University of St Andrews degree classification.

Please note that the St Andrews GPA must be taken into account along with the overall Degree Classification in order to determine the suggested US GPA range.

Furthermore, please note that this table should not be used by students on the BA (International Honours) programme. The BA (International Honours) programme is a joint degree offered by the University of St Andrews and the College of William and Mary. Upon successful completion, students will receive a joint degree certificate bearing both the St Andrews degree classification and the William & Mary Latin Honours.

St Andrews degree classification St Andrews GPA range US GPA
First Class - I 17.5 to 20.0 from 4.0
First Class - I 16.0 to 17.4 3.7 to 3.9
Second Class (Division One) - II.1 13.0 to 16.4 3.0 to 3.6
Second Class (Division Two) - II.2 10.0 to 13.4 2.3 to 2.9
Third Class - III 7.0 to 10.4 1.3 to 2.2

Prospective employers and graduates who have specific questions or requirements should contact Registry via the 'Ask a question' link on the right-hand side.