Apply to return to University halls of residence

Returning students are not guaranteed University accommodation but Student Accommodation Services are usually able to offer places. Your preferred residence, room or apartment will be considered but is not guaranteed.

Students who have received the Accommodation Award are guaranteed accommodation.

How to apply

Complete the online application form

Online applications will open at the beginning of February and close about a week later. Specific dates and the application link will be added to this page when they are confirmed. 

On the application form, you will be able to state:

  • health or disability needs
  • dietary needs
  • preference regarding residence, apartment or room allocation
  • preference for alcohol-free accommodation, green accommodation, or a multi-year contract
  • for shared rooms, the name of the student you want to share a room with (both students will need to name each other on their application form). 

You may also want to let Student Accommodation Services know about any other relevant information. For example, you may wish to be considered for lower-cost accommodation due to financial hardship. If you have information which may impact your application or accommodation needs, email as soon as possible. 

How accommodation is allocated

These applications are prioritised:

  • students who need specialised facilities (for example, disabled students)
  • students who play an active role in hall life (hall committee members or those deemed by their warden to play an active role in residential life)
  • students who are currently studying abroad.

The following will be automatically rejected for a returning place:

  • students who have been evicted from any University accommodation or have received a written warning that has stated that they will not be eligible to reapply for University accommodation
  • students with long-standing residence fee arrears.

After you apply

Towards the end of February, Student Accommodation Services will email you to let you know if you have an offer. 

If you are offered accommodation, you will have 10 days to accept before it is withdrawn.  

If you accept the offer, you have seven days to change your mind and cancel without financial liability. To cancel your offer, you must notify Student Accommodation Services in writing through a signed letter or an email from your University email account. 

If you accept a place and take a leave of absence, or formally withdraw from the University, you will be charged accommodation fees and catering fees (where appropriate) up until the end of the semester in which you leave. 

For more information, see the terms and conditions of occupancy.