Guest information for Andrew Melville Hall

The University of St Andrews welcomes you to Andrew Melville Hall.

General information about St Andrews accommodation can be found on the guest information page. Information specific to Andrew Melville Hall can be found below.  

The reception at Andrew Melville Hall is open daily from 8am to 7pm. If you have any questions or need help during your stay, please contact reception.

Bedroom servicing

The bedrooms are serviced daily. You will find towels, complimentary toiletries and coat hangers in your room.  

Car parking

Car parking is available in the car park across from the main entrance to the buildingCars are left at your own risk and you are advised to leave no valuables in them.

Common room

There are two common rooms. LCR on level 3 and MCR on level 4, on the ground floor.

Dining room

A dining room is situated at the top of the stairs on level 5 where meals are available on a self-service basis.

Fire alarm 

Details of fire procedures can be found in your room. You should familiarise yourself with all the fire exits within your building. If you need assistance to evacuate in an emergency, please contact a member of staff as soon as possible after arrival. 

There is a fire alarm test every Wednesday at around 11.30am. 

The fire sensors in each room are extremely sensitive. Be careful when using hairspray, perfume, aftershave, and similar items as these may trigger the fire alarm.

General enquiries

The residence office/reception is open daily from 8am to 7pm. If you have an emergency between 7pm and 8am please contact the duty person by calling +44 (0)1334 46 7076.


You will receive a key card to gain access to the building and your bedroom. You should carry your key card with you at all times. Remember to return it when you check out.

If you are locked out of the building or your room, please contact reception.


Download the Washstation app to use the laundry services.


Incoming mail is distributed from the letter rack situated at reception. Packages and registered letters will be held in the Residence Manager's office or reception and you will be notified of these.