Guest information

The University of St Andrews welcomes you to your guest accommodation.  

To make your stay as comfortable and as enjoyable as possible general information about St Andrews accommodation can be found on this page.   

For specific information about your own residence, details are provided on the following pages:  


Breakfast is served daily in the residence dining rooms from 7am until 9.30am.

Check-in and check-out

Check-in is from 3pm. Check-out is by 10am.

For term-time accommodation, check-in is from 1pm.

Courtesy telephone

A courtesy telephone is available in the reception foyer for access to taxis, doctors and emergency services. Phone numbers are displayed next to the phone.

Electrical adaptors

Electrical adaptors that have been bought outside the UK are often unearthed and do not meet British Electrical Safety Standards (BESS). To ensure the safety of all guests, please buy an electrical adaptor that meets the BESS regulations.

Emergency services – 999

Ambulance, fire and police services can be contacted by phoning 999. If you are using a University internal telephone, you should dial 9-999.


Free wifi is available for all guests through BT WiFi. Find out how to get connected to guest Wi-Fi.


Minor repairs, like the replacement of light bulbs, will be made as soon as possible. Any maintenance issues should be reported to your reception or porter.


Noise should be kept to a reasonable level, especially after 11pm.


Every effort is made to ensure University premises are secure. Please ensure your door is locked and windows are securely closed when your room is not occupied. The University cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.

The University Security and Response Team are available 24 hours a day if you have any concerns or need to report a security incident or crime. They can be contacted by phoning +44 (0)1334 46 8999, or by dialling 8999 from a University internal telephone.

Smoking and vaping

Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside any University building or in areas right outside University buildings.


Numbers for taxi companies are available at reception.


The University is committed to conserving Scotland's natural resources. Every day, tonnes of detergent and millions of gallons of water are used to wash towels that have only been used once.

If you leave your towel on the towel rail, it won’t be replaced. A towel left on the floor will be replaced.

University Sports Centre

Saints Sport provides facilities and equipment for most sports, including a fitness suite, gym and personal trainers. During your stay you can access the gym facilities free of charge. Please show your room keycard to the reception team at the Sports Centre.

For further details, contact Saints Sport by calling +44 (0)1334 46 2190, or by dialling 2190 if you are using a University internal telephone.

Visitor information centre

A Visit Scotland iCentre is located at 70 Market Street. Their advisers can inspire you about where to visit to make the most of your time in St Andrews.