Residential and Business Services

Residential and Business Services administers and manages over 4000 student residential places over 18 sites in St Andrews, approximately 2250 are catered and 1800 self-catered.

The department is the largest operational unit in the University, employing approximately 350 staff.

In addition to running the residences during term time, Residential and Business Services:

  • runs the cafes in the Physics building, the Medical Sciences building, the Library, and Walter Bower House
  • runs the bars and cafes in Agnes Blackadder Hall and David Russell Apartments
  • provides conference, hospitality and catering services over the University campus
  • services events such as receptions, buffets, formal dinners and weddings
  • provides accommodation for groups and holiday makers during the summer
  • co-ordinates internal and external conferences, meetings, sport groups, events and summer schools
  • co-ordinates the hospitality and catering for Graduation ceremonies twice per year

Residential and Business Services is managed by Ben Stuart (Director), Alan Riddell and Marianne MacKinnon (Deputy Directors).

General enquiries

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2515

Walter Bower House,
Eden Campus,
Main Street,
St Andrews,
KY16 0US