IT Services

IT Services is responsible for providing computer, telephone and audiovisual (AV) services to students and staff at the University of St Andrews. The IT service desk provides advice and assists with technical issues, which can be reported by emailing

The unit maintains the University’s central IT infrastructure. This includes: 

  • IT facilities such as staff desktops, classroom PCs, printing devices and teaching software
  • Eduroam wifi, staff phones and mobiles, external network connections and data centres 
  • Corporate systems for Schools and Units, such as the student record system
  • Specialist advice and support for academic, administrative and research computing

IT Services is led by Steve Watt, Chief Information Officer (CIO), and has approximately 90 staff. 

IT Services areas of focus are:

  • Service delivery: made up of the University's IT service desk, desktop support, telephone services, AV support, campus card services, and business relationship management.
  • Enterprise applications and development: providing in-house application development and integration services to support University projects.
  • Infrastructure: which manages, supports and develops the hardware and software infrastructure, including the University network. 
  • CIO's office: which includes IT Security, ICT Resources and Data Transformation.

General enquiries


Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3333

Walter Bower House
St Andrews
KY16 0US