Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) project fund

The University of St Andrews is committed to ensuring equality, celebrating and enhancing diversity, and creating an environment where all staff and students feel valued, respected and included as outlined in the Diverse pillar of the University Strategy.

To support these goals, the University has created an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Project Fund, where staff and students can apply for funds to support projects and other activities that enhance equality and inclusivity within and beyond the institution.

Small project applications (up to £500) will be considered on a rolling basis, and large project applications (between £500 and £2500) will be awarded through two annual calls. 

Please ensure you submit an application an appropriate length of time before any planned activity and keep in mind the timeframes outlined below regarding decision-making.

Please read the information provided carefully before submitting your application and email ediprojectfund@st-andrews.ac.uk if you have any questions.