John Haldane's Home Page

Craigmyle Lecture, Portculiss House, Westminster, London, 2007

John Haldane
Professor of Philosophy
Centre for Ethics,Philosophy and Public Affairs

University of St Andrews.

'Artists' David Tremlett, John Haldane and others at the opening of the
Cappella del Barolo Castello Falletti (Barolo Castle) Alba, Italy, 1999.

'Ethicists' John Haldane, John Edwards, Sir Robert Carnwath,
Simon Lee, Rabbi Julia Neuberger, Royal Holloway College, 2002

Suggs and John Haldane, King James Library, St Andrews, 2005.

John Haldane and Hilary Putnam, Knox Lecture, St Andrews 2005

HH. Pope Benedict XVI and John Haldane, Vatican 2007

Benedict Groeschel and John Haldane, Sunday Night Live, New York 2008


Department of Moral Philosophy,
University of St Andrews,
Fife  KY16 9AL
United Kingdom

Tel (0)1334-462488
Fax (0)1334-462407


Married to Hilda (nee Budas) Lady Chapel, Westminster Cathedral, 1980.

Kirsty (1988), James (1990), Alice (1992),
John (1994) with J.K. Rowling in 2000.


St Aloysius College, Glasgow.

University College for Creative Arts (Rochester)

University of the Arts London (Wimbledon)
(B.A., Fine Art, 1975).

University of London, Institute of Education
(P.G.C.E., 1976).

University of London, Birkbeck College
(B.A., Philosophy, 1980; Ph.D., 1984).

Fellowships etc

Royal Society of Arts, London
(Fellow, 1995).

Royal Society of Edinburgh
(Fellow, 1995)

St Anselm College, NH
(Hon. LL.D, 1997)

Glasgow University
(Hon. D.Litt, 2008) 

Ordo Equestris Sancti Sepulchri Hierosolymitani KHS


Research Interests and Activities.

1. Central issues in philosophy of mind: intentionality, the nature of concepts, the ownership of thoughts, action explanation, physicalism, reductionism, and the nature of persons.

2. The history of philosophy: most particularly the medieval period (especially Aquinas) and the influence of scholasticism in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and value theory; and eighteenth century responses to scepticism (especially Reid).

3. Theoretical and normative issues in social and political philosophy, ethics and aesthetics: including liberalism (its varieties and rivals), the nature and justification of education, the (im)permissibility of killing; and the natural and built environments.

4. Artistic, educational, and theological issues: approached through the methods of those disciplines rather than through philosophy. For example, the role and forms of art and spiritual education, the sources and function of doctrine.


within St Andrews

First Arts: Philosophy of Religion
Second Arts:Ethical Theories
Honours: Atheism and Theism; Philosophy and Public Affairs; Scholastic Aristotelianism; Theory of Persons
Graduate: Medieval Philosophy


outwith St Andrews

1. Visiting Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Westminster, 1983-90.
2. Visiting Lecturer, University of Dundee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, 1986-88; 1993-94.
3. Visiting Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Malta, 1992 & 1993.
4. Visiting Lecturer, Thomistic Institute, University of Notre Dame, 1994, 1996 and 1999.
5. Visiting Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen, 1999.
6. Goodspeed Lecturer, Denison University, US, 2000.
7. Royden Davis Chair in Humanities, Georgetown University, US, 2001-2002.
8. Visiting Lecturer, Summer Institute on Philosophy of Mind, University of St Thomas, US, 2003.
9. Gifford Lecturer, University of Aberdeen, 2005.
10. Joseph Lecturer, Gregorian University, 2005.
11. Visiting Professor, Institute for the Psychological Sciences, Virginia, US, 2006-2008

Visiting Fellowships etc.
1. Centre for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, 1987.
2. Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, 1989, 1991 and 1993.
3. St John’s College, University of Oxford, 1992.
4. Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Bowling Green State University, 1992 and 2000.
5. Centre for the Study of Sculpture, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, 1998-99.
6. Stanton Lecturer in Philosophy and Religion, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, 1999-2002.
7. Gifford Fellow in Natural Theology, University of Aberdeen, 2004.
8. Senior Fellow, Witherspoon Institute, Princeton, 2007 - present.

Member, Victim Support Working Party on Compensation for Victims of Crime, 1992-93.
Lead Assessor, Scottish Higher Education Funding Council Quality Assessment (Philosophy) Scotland 1995-96.
Head of the School of Philosophical and Anthropological Studies,  University of St Andrews, 1996-1999.
Member of the School of Psychology Ethics Committee, University of St Andrews, 1996-2001.
Member, Nuffield Council on Bioethics Working Party on Genetics and Mental Disorder, 1997-98.
Chairman, Management Committee of The Philosophical Quarterly, 1998-2001
Panel Member, UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (Law, Philosophy, Religion), 1999-2001.
Advisory Board Member, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, 1999-.
Director of the Graduate Programme in Philosophy, Universities of St Andrews and Stirling, 2000-2001.
Director of Teaching in Philosophy, University of St Andrews, 2002-04.
Consultor, Pontifical Council for Culture, Vatican, 2005-

Vice-President, Catholic Union of Great Britain, 2007-  

Member, NHS Working Party on Difficult Decision Making iin the National Health Service, 2009.

Chairman, Royal Institute of Philosophy, 2011- (Executive Council Member since 1966).

Editorial Boards
American Journal of Jurisprudence
Cambridge Studies in Philosophy
Ethical Perspectives
Journal of Philosophy of Education
Journal of Scottish Philosophy
Medieval Philosophy and Theology
Philosophical Explorations
Philosophical Quarterly



1. Atheism and Theism co-authored with J.J.C. Smart (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996; reprinted 1997);
2nd enlarged edition 2002) pp. 257. Listed by Blackwell in its 'Tomorrow's Classics' leaflet.

A volume in the Blackwell 'Great Debates in Philosophy' series.
Extract reprinted in P. Helm (ed.) Faith and Reason (Oxford: OUP., 1999).

Reviews of first edition in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Philosophy,
Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Dialogue, European Journal of Philosophy, Faith and Philosophy,
Heythrop Journal, Mind, New Blackfriars, Philosophical Books, Philosophical Quarterly,
Philosophical Review, Ratio, Religious Studies, Review of Metaphysics, Reviews in Religion and
, Sophia, Tablet, Teaching Philosophy.

Listen to radio interview Why I am a Theist

2. An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Religion
(London: Duckworth, 2003) pp. 224.

Reviews in Church Times, Guardian, Independent,
New Statesman, Observer, Priests and People,
Second Spring, Tablet
, ThinkTimes Literary Supplement.

3. Faithful Reason
(London: Routledge, 2004) pp. 288.

Reviews in American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,
Ars Disputandi
, Church Times, Ethical Perspectives,
, First Things, New Blackfriars, Pastoral Review,
Philosophical Quarterly, Reviews in Religion and Theology,
Tablet, Times Literary Supplement, etc.

4. Seeking Meaning and Making Sense
(Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2008)

Reviews in Catholic Herald, New Blackfriars,
Open House, Tablet,

5. The Church and the World (Gracewing, 2008)

Reviews in Catholic Herald, Downside Review,
Faith, The Furrow, Open House,

6. Practical Philosophy (Imprint Academic, 2009).

(St Andrews Studies in Philosophy & Public Affairs).

'What resources can philosophy bring to bear, when its
enquiries are not theoretical, but practical? In Practical
John Haldane answers this question in a
brilliant survey of key issues, showing us how a variety
of theories can obscure or distort our view of the practical
realities of life, family, and society. With admirable clarit
he also shows us how philosophy can rescue us from such
— Alasdair MacIntyre

‘In Practical Philosophy, John Haldane eloquently makes
the case for an approach to ethics that is distinctively practical
— thought with a view to action (as contrasted with theoretical
thought that might possibly be applied to the domain of action).
Taking his inspiration from a tradition thatiincludes Aristotle,
Aquinas, and Elizabeth Anscombe, Haldane argues that an
orthodox dichotom has long dominated both philosophical and
everyday thinking: we must be either dualists or material
reductionists. Both of these alternatives, however, neglect a
subtle approach to intentionality and agency offered by the
Aristotelian tradition. Haldane uses his illuminating approach to
advance arguments on a number of controversial moral and
political issues: the status of the foetus, the importance of the
family, compensation for victims of crime, the basis of human
solidarity across national boundaries. Although his conclusions
are frequently controversial, Haldane always avoids polemics
and the ideological parti pris, thus giving a welcome example of
respectful and civil public argument.’ — Martha Nussbaum

'In Haldane's Practical Philosophy one sees a philosopher well
aware of current work in his field but determined to recover both
the prior social reality and the substantive conception of the good
which have to be in place before abstract notions of duty, right o
moral obligation can be rooted in anything' David Wiggins.

7. Reasonable Faith (Routledge, 2010)

'Carefully argued and engagingly written, John Haldane's
essays are examples of genuinely humane philosophy.
Unlike much of the work currently being produced in the
anglophone philosophical world, they are informed by a
broad historical understanding, and display  a clear moral
vision of the role of philosophy and its place in our
intellectual culture'  -
John Cottingham

'John Haldane's essays are each impressive in their
own right, for clarity, insight and argument. Taken together
they undermine the assumption of many contemporary

philosophers, that it is possible to pursue systematic philosophical

enquiry without  having to engage with religious questions.

Haldane uses philosophy to put philosophy to the question'

- Alasdair MacIntyre

'John Haldane is outstanding among contemporary thinkers
for the instructiveness of his exposition of Catholic philosophical
themes and the cogency of his argumentation in their support The
present collection of essay displays his lucid insight into a wide
range of compelling topics.  No one who reads these essays will
come away without having his thoughts stimulated, his sympathies
broadened, and his spirits lifted' - Nicholas Rescher

Edited Works:

1. Mind, Causation and Action co-edited with
Roger Squires and Leslie Stevenson (Oxford: Blackwell, 1986).
New essays in philosophy of mind. Contributors: Simon Blackburn,
Malcolm Budd, John Campbell, William Charlton, George Graham,
Tomis Kapitan, Graham and Cynthia MacDonald, Alfred Mele,
Michael Morris, Joseph Owens, and Flint Schier.

2. Philosophy, Conservation and the Environment (St Andrews: CPPA, 1989).
 A commissioned report and booklet series, jointly published with the UK Nature Conservancy Council.

3. Logical Necessity and other Essays,
co-edited with Roger Scruton (London: Aristotelian Society, 1990).
Collected philosophical papers of the late Ian McFetridge.

4. James Frederick Ferrier by E. Haldane
(Bristol: Thoemmes, 1991).
Reprint, with new introduction, of a 19th century study
of the life and work of Ferrier. Revised version of this
introduction appears in the reprint of Philosophical Works
of the late James Frederick Ferrier
(ed.) A. Grant &
E.L. Lushington (Bristol: Thoemmes, 2001).

5. Reality, Representation and Projection,
co-edited with Crispin Wright
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).
New essays on realism and anti-realism. Contributors:
Simon Blackburn, John Campbell, Edward Craig,
John Haldane, R.L. Hale, Mark Johnston, Ian McFetridge,
Christopher Peacocke, Peter Railton, John Skorupski,
Michael Smith, David Wiggins, Michael Williams, and Crispin Wright.

6. Philosophers and Philosophies
Special Issue of The Philosophical Quarterly (1993).
New essays on history of philosophy. Contributors:
G.E.M. Anscombe, Jeffrey Coombs, Frederick Copleston,
Richard Gaskin, Michael Gorman, D.P. Henry, Edward Khamara,
Peter Millican, Susan Mendus, and C.J.F. Williams.

7. Analytical Thomism The Monist (1997).
New essays comjoining analytical and Thomist
philosophical traditions. Contributors: Brian Davies,

Jonathan Jacobs & John Zeis, John Lamont,
Sandra Menssen & Thomas Sullivan, Robert Pasnau,
Hilary Putnam, Eleonore Stump, and Stephen Theron.

8. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(London: Routledge, 1998).
Subject Editor responsible for eighteenth century
philosophers and movements - approximately 80
entries commissioned and edited.

9. Modern Painters in Scotland
Special feature in Modern Painters (1999).
New essays on aspects of visual art and architecture in Scotland.
Contributors: Mark Baines, Neil Cameron, Douglas Dunn,
Alec Finlay, Clare Henry, Magnus Linklater, John McEwan,
Duncan MacMillan, Anthony O’Hear, Cordelia Oliver,
Marcus Rees Roberts, and Giles Sutherland.

10. Philosophy and Public Affairs
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000).
New essays on philosophical and public policy issues.
Contributors: Lord Alton, Bryan Appleyard, Sir Samuel Brittan,
Gordon Graham, John Haldane, Russell Keat, Anthony O’Hear,
Melanie Phillips, Alan Ryan, Anthony Skillen, John Skorupski
and George Walden.

11. Thomas Reid Issue of American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (2000).
New essays on Reid and Scottish ‘Common Sense’ philosophy.
Contributors: Ronald Beanblossom, Philip de Barry, C.A.J. Coady, Roger Gallie,
John Haldane, Keith Lehrer & Bradley Warner, Ralph McInerny, Nicholas Wolterstorff
and William Rowe.

12. Demarco, Philosophy and Art (Kingston: Kingston University, 2000).
A set of essays to accompany the touring exhibition Richard Demarco 70/2000.
Contributors John Haldane, Roger Scruton, Anthony O’Hear, Bryan Appleyard,
George Pattison, Peter Serracino Inglott and Edward Winters.

13. Mind, Metaphysics and Value in the Thomistic and Analytical Tradition
(Notre Dame, IN: UNDP, 2002).
New essays deploying Thomistic ideas in response to recent work in analytical philosophy
of mind, metaphysics and value. Contributors: David Braine, Richard Cross, Stefaan Cuypers,
Christopher Hughes, Jonathan Jacobs, John Haldane, Fergus Kerr, Guila Klyma
Christopher Martin, David Oderberg, and Martin Stone.

14. The Philosophy of Thomas Reid, co-edited with Stephen Read
(Oxford: Blackwell, 2002) based on special issue of the Philosophical Quarterly.
New essays on Reid’s philosophy (and Reid’s ‘Of Power’).
Contributors: J. Haldane, J. Todd Buras, John Greco, F. Houranski,
J. McKittrick, R. Nichols, Michael Pakaluk, P. Risiew, E. Brun Rovet,
A. Tapper, and G. Yaffe.

15. Spirituality, Philosophy and Education, co-edited with David Carr
(London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003)
New essays on the philosophy of spirituality and the implications of this for
educational theory and practice. Contributors: J. Haldane, M. McGhee,
J. Cottingham, J. Jacobs, N. Sherman, J. Mark Halstead, J. Dunne, I. M. Yob,
J. Sullivan, J. Astley, J. Keast, D. Vokey, T. McLaughlin, K. Mott-Thornton, and D. Carr.

16. Modern Writings on Thomism
(Bristol: Thoemmes/Continuum, 2003)
A collection of five previously published but long

out-of-print volumes on various aspects of Thomistic
philosophy: R.P. Phillips, Modern Thomistic Philosophy,
2 Vols; J. Pieper, The Concept in Thomism; G. Klubertanz,
The Philosophy of Human Nature;  J. Oesterle,
Ethics: The Introduction to Moral Science;
E. Simmons, Scientific Art of Logic.

17. Values, Education and the Human World (Imprint Academic, 2004)
(St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs).
Essays on aspects of educational theory and practice in relation to culture, politics,
religion and science. Contributors include A. Quinton, A. O'Hear, R. Pring
M. Warnock, J. Sacks, S. Sutherland, M. Midgley,  and B. Appleyard.
Without exception, the essays are well written and thought-provoking ...
[the contributors have] managed very effectively the task of being both scholarly
and accessible [and] have admirably fulfilled their brief to appeal to the general
educated public." Journal of the Philosophy of Education.

18. Philosophy and its Public Role (Imprint Academic, 2004)
co-edited with  W. Aiken (St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs).
New essays on topics ranging from the public responsibility of intellectuals
to the justice of military tribunals, and from posthumous reproduction to
t he death penalty. Contributors: J. Haldane, R. Brecher, J. Arthur, D. Carr,
T. McLaughlin, W. Donnor, A. Moore, G. Cupit, B. Gruzalski,  J. Child and R. Brook.

"This book should attract two kinds of readers, people interested in seeing philosophy
find and deal with real issues in society and public policy, and people who have an
interest in the role philosophy plays in the criminal justice system" Journal of Value Inquiry.

For further information about the series St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs see SSPPA.

19. Hume on Mind and Causality.
An issue of the Journal of Scottish Philosophy (2007).
New essays by, and Adrian Bardon, Timothy Costelloe,
Adrian Heathcote, Eric Schliesser, and Alan Schwerin,
with edited text by James F. Ferrier, with editorial
introduction by John Haldane (see below).

20. Scottish Philosophy issue of The Monist (2007).
New essays by James van Cleve, James Feiser,

John Glassford, Gordon Graham, Jenny Keefe,
Ryan Nichols, Daniel Robinson, Paul Russell,
Margaret Schabas, Dabney Townsend, and Mark Weblin,
with editorial introduction by John Haldane (see below)



1.'Aesthetic Naturalism and the Decline of Architecture, Part 1: Architecture and Aesthetic Perception', International  Journal  of  Moral  and Social  Studies, Vol. 2, 1987.

2.'The Modernist Fallacy: Philosophy as Art’s Undoing', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 5, 1988.

3. 'Aesthetic Naturalism and the Decline of Architecture, Part 2: Form, Matter and Understanding',  International  Journal  of  Moral  and Social  Studies, Vol. 3, 1988.

4. 'Philosophy, Architecture and the Public World', British  Journal  of  Aesthetics, Vol. 30, 1990.

5. 'Cultural Theory, Philosophy and the Study of Human Affairs', in J. Doherty, et. al. (eds), Postmodernism in the Social Sciences (London:  Macmillan, 1991).

6. 'Admiring the High Mountains: The Aesthetics of Environment', Environmental Values, Vol. 3, 1994,
    Reprinted in T. Chapell (ed.) Environmental Aesthetics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1997).

7. 'Recent Work in Environmental Aesthetics', Environmental Values, Vol. 3, 1994.

8. 'Environmental Aesthetics and Public Policy', Melita Theologica, Vol. 45, 1994.

9. 'Embodied Meanings', Cogito, Vol. 9, 1995.

10.'Transcendent Forms: A Comment on 'Architectural Idolatry"', Cosmos, Vol. 12, 1996.

11. 'The Philosophy of Architecture', Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (London: Routledge, 1998) Vol. 1.
    Reprinted, in an extended version, in the Journal of Architecture, Vol. 4, 1999.

12. 'Art and Vocation' Response to John Paul II’s Letter to Artists', Logos, Vol. 5, 2002.

13. 'Finding God in Nature: Beauty, Revulsion, and Contemporary Art”in Christianity and the West: Interaction and Impact in Art and Culture (ed.) Craig Titus (Washington, DC.: Catholic University of America Press). 


14. 'The Challenge of Idealism: Aspects of Ian Hamilton Finlay’s Philosophical Sensibility',, Chapman, Vol. 27, 1994.

15. 'In the Nature of Things', (on Richard Long), Modern Painters, Vol. 10, 1997 (also in A Road from the Past to the Future (St Andrews: Crawford Arts Centre)).

16. 'Images after the Fact', (on Hamish Fulton), Modern Painters, Vol. 11, 1998.

17. 'From One place to Another', (on David Tremlett), Modern Painters, Vol. 12, 1999.

18. 'Back to the Land', Art Monthly, No. 227.

19. 'A Poet of the Enchanted World', (on Felix Kelly), Modern Painters, Vol. 15,  2002.

20. 'David Tremlett', in P. Curtis et. al. (ed.) Sculpture in  20th Century Britain (Leeds: Henry Moore Institute, 2003).

21.  'Edwin La Dell and the Rise of Popular Printmaking', The Art Book, Vol. 11, 2003 (revised and expanded version in Edwin La Dell: Lithographs and Etchings (Maidstons: Passiflora, 2004).

22. 'Reason to Believe: the Art of Roger Ackling' essay accompanying photo-pieces in R. Acking, Reason to Believe (St Andrews: Crawford Arts Centre, 2004).

23. 'Underground' in E. Butcher (ed) Underground (Liverpool: Centre for Art International Research, 2007).


24. 'Religious Art and Religious Education', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 4, 1982.

25. 'Art’s Perspective on Value',, Art Education, Vol. 36, 1983.

26. 'Birkbeck’s Past and the Future of University Education', Scottish Journal of Adult Education, Vol. 6, 1983.

27. 'Concept Formation and Value Education', Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 16, 1984.

28. 'Religious Education in a Pluralist Society - A Philosophical Perspective', British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 34, 1986.
   Reprinted in L. J. Francis & A. Thatcher (eds.) Christian Perspectives for Education (ondon: Fowler Wright, 1990).

29. 'The Role of New Testament Scripture in Religious Education', The Sower, Vol. 10, 1986.

30. 'Birkbeck's Crusading Genius‘, Times Higher Education Supplement, No 726, 1986.

31. 'Religion, Education and Society', Contemporary Review, Vol. 249, 1987.

32. 'Religion in Education: In Defence of a Tradition', Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 14, 1988.

33. 'On Taste and Excellence', Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 23, 1989.

34. 'Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Education', Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 29, 1989.
    Reprinted in R. Hirst & J. White (eds.) Major Themes in the Philosophy of Education (London: Routledge, 1998).

35. 'Chesterton’s  Philosophy  of  Education', Philosophy,  Vol. 65, 1990.

36. 'Education: Conserving Tradition', in B. Almond (ed.), An Introduction to Applied Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.
    Reprinted in (a shorter version) in M. G. Amilburu (ed.), Education, the State and the Multicultural Challenge (Pamplona: Eunsa, 1996).

37. 'Return to the Crossroads: Maritain Fifty Years On', with D. Carr, T. McLaughlin & R. Pring, British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 43, 1995.

38. 'Culture After Ideology', in R. Barnett & A. Griffin (eds.), The Crisis for Knowledge in Higher Education (London: Cassell, 1997).

39. Education and the Need of Understanding (Dublin: UCD, 2000). 


40. 'The Morality of Deterrence', The Heythrop Journal, Vol. 26, 1985.

41.'The Ethics of Life and Death', The Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 38, 1985.

42. 'Medical Ethics - Another Approach', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 12, 1986.

43. 'Defence Policy, the Just War and the Intention to Deter', Defense Analysis, Vol. 3, 1987.

44. 'Ethics and Biological Warfare', Arms Control,  Vol. 8, 1987.

45. 'Persons and Values', (Co-winner of Journal of Medical Ethics Prize Essay Competition), Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 14, 1988.

46. 'Defence, Deterrence and the Taking of Life', in R. Bauckham & J. Elford (eds.) Theological and Ethical Issues in the Nuclear Weapons Debate (London: SCM, 1989).

47. 'Philosophy and Environmental Issues', International  Journal  of  Moral  and  Social Studies, Vol. 5, 1990.

48. 'Philosophy and the Ethics of the Environment', in C.C.W. Taylor (ed.), Ethics and the Environment (Oxford: Corpus Christi College, 1992).

49. 'Applied Ethics', in N. Bunnin & E. James (eds.), The Blackwell Introduction to Philosophy (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995; 2nd edition 2002).

50. 'MacIntyre’s Moral Philosophy', in M. Canto-Sperber et al., (eds.), Dictionare de Philosophie Morale (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1996).

51. 'Intuitions and the Value of a Person', Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 14, 1997.

52. 'Truth, Meaning and Practice', Ethical Perspectives, Vol. 5, 1998.

53. 'Virtue, Truth and Relativism', in D. Carr and Jan Steutel (eds.), Virtue Theory and Moral Character (London: Routledge, 1999).

54. 'Bioethics and the Philosophy of the Human Body', in L. Gormally (ed.) Issues for a Catholic Bioethic (London: Linacre Centre, 1999).

55.  'Being Human: Science, Knowledge and Virtue', in J. Haldane (ed.) Philosophy and Public Affairs (Cambridge: C.U.P. 2000).

56.  'The Foundations of Professonal Ethics', in J. Verstraeten (ed.) Professional Ethics (Louvain: Peeters, 2000).

57. 'Thomistic Ethics in America', Logos, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2000.

58. 'Examining the Justice of War: Elizabeth Anscombe and the Just War Tradition', (followed by reprint of Anscombe’s 'The Justice of the Present War Examined'), Humanitas, Vol. 4.

59. 'Aquinas, the Embryo and the Ethics of Abortion', with P. Lee, Philosophy, Vol. 78, No. 304, 2003.

60. 'Rational Souls and the Beginning of Life (A Reply to Robert Pasnau)', with P. Lee, Philosophy, Vol. 78, No. 306, 2003.

61. “Ethics, Religion and Relativism”, Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 60, 2006.

62. “Reconciling the Universality of human nature with the distinctness of human cultures” in L. Leuzzi (ed) Europe e Nuova Umanesimo (Geoa: San Giorgio).

63. 'Ethics, Politics and Imperfection' New Blackfriars, 2008.

64. “Towards a renewal of Ethics in Public Life” in S. Vizi & T. Kuscera (eds) Europe in a World of Transformation (Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

65.  'Recognising Humanity', Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2008.

66. “Vocacion y profesion. Encontrar el sentido en el trabajo”, Revista Empresa y Humanismo, Vol. 11, 2008.

67. “Is every human action morally significant?” Philosophy, 2011.

History of Philosophy

68.  'Aquinas on Sense-Perception', Philosophical Review, Vol. 92, No. 2, 1983.

69. 'S. Tommaso e Putnam: Realismo Ontologico e Realismo Epistemologico', Intersezioni: Rivista di storia delle idee, Vol. 8, 1988.

70. 'Reid, Scholasticism and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind', in M. Dalgarno. & E. Matthews (eds.), The Philosophy of Thomas Reid  (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989).

71. 'Voluntarism and Realism in Medieval Ethics', Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 15, 1989.

72.  'Medieval and Renaissance Ethics', in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991).

73. 'Aquinas on the Active Intellect', Philosophy, Vol. 67, 1992.

74. 'De Consolatione Philosophiae', in  M. McGhee (ed.), Philosophy, Religion and the Spiritual Life (Cambridge: C.U.P., 1992).

75. 'Aquinas”, “Medieval and Renaissance Aesthetics', and “Plotinus”, in D. Cooper (ed.), A Companion to Aesthetics  (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992).

76. 'Changing Conceptions of the Person', in  A. Hegarty (ed.), The Past and The Present: Problems of Understanding (Oxford: Grandpont, 1993).

77. 'Whose Theory? Which Representations?', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 74, 1993.

78. 'Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy of Mind', in S. Guttenplan (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Mind  (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994).

79. 'Active and Passive Intellects', 'Analytical Thomism', 'Brute Facts', 'Distributism', 'Free Riders', 'Godmanhood', 'Hamlyn', 'Language of Thought', 'Maritain', 'Renaissance Philosophy', 'Scholasticism', and 'Veritatis Splendor', in T. Honderich (ed.) Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford: O.U.P., 1995).

80. 'Augustine' and 'Putnam', in T. Mautner (ed.), A Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).

81. 'Ferrier' and 'Thomism', Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (London: Routledge, 1998) Vol.. 3, and Vol. 9.

82. 'Gilson' and 'Maritain', in R.L. Arrington (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophers (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999).

83. 'Analytical Philosophy and the Future of Thomism', Cogito, Vol. 13, 1999.

84. 'The Spirit of Thomism and the Task of Renewal', Maynooth University Record, 1999;
    Reprinted in J. McEvoy & M Dunne (eds.) Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001).

85.  'Thomas Reid: Life and Work', American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 74, 2000.

86. 'Thomas Reid and the History of Ideas', American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 74, 2000.

87. 'Analytical Thomism', 'Aristotle', and 'Natural Theology', in A. Hastings (ed.) Oxford Companion to Christian Thought (Oxford: OUP, 2000).

88. 'Has Philosophy made a Difference? and Could it be Expected to?', in A. O’Hear (ed.) Philosophy and the Millennium (Cambridge: CUP, 2001).

89. 'American Philosophy: ‘Scotch’ or ‘Teutonic’?', Philosophy, Vol. 77, 2002; revised and amended version in Aiken & Haldane (eds) Philosophy and its Public Role (2004).

90. 'Current Engagements with Medieval Philosophy', with F. J. FitzPatrick,  in A.S. McGrade (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy (Cambridge: C.U.P. 2003).

91. 'What Philosophy Can Do', First Things, No. 157, 2005.

92. 'Analytical Thomism: how we got here, why it's worth remianing, and where we may go to next' in C. Paterson & M. Pugh (eds) Analytical Thomism: Traditions in Dialogue (London: Ashgate, 2006).

93. 'Scotland’s Gift: Philosophy, Theology, and the Gifford Lectures', Theology Today, Vol. 63, No. 4, 2006.

94. 'Hume on Mind and Causality', and 'Ferrier’s ‘Dissolving Hume’s Paradox', Journal of Scottish Philosophy, Vol. 5, No. 1.

95. 'Scottish Philosophy', Monist, Vol. 90, No. 2.

96. 'Soul and Body' in R. Pasnau (ed) Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy Vol. 1. (Cambridge: CUP, 2009).

97. “Kenny and Aquinas on the Metaphysics of Mind” in J. Cottingham and P. Hacker (eds) Mind, Method, and Morality (Oxford: OUP) pp. 119-139.

98. “Adam Smith, Theology and Natural Law” in Paul Oslington ed. Adam Smith as Theologian (London: Routledge, 2011)

Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology and Metaphysics.

99. 'A Benign Regress”, First Prize ‘Solution’ to Analysis  Problem No 19, Analysis, Vol.  43, 1983.

100. 'Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Psychology and Self-Consciousness', in P. Clark and C. Wright (eds.), Mind, Psychoanalysis and Science  (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988).

101. 'Folk Psychology and the Explanation of Human Behaviour: Understanding Folk', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,  Supp. Vol. 62, 1988;
Reprinted in S. Christensen & D. Turner (eds.), Folk Psychology (London: Erlbaum, 1993).

102. 'Trying to Make Sense', Critical Notice of P. Winch, Trying to Make Sense, Philosophical Books, Vol. 30, 1989.

103. 'Naturalism and the Problem of Intentionality', Inquiry,  Vol. 32, 1989.

104. 'Brentano’s Problem', Grazer Philosophische Studien, Vol. 35, 1989.

105. 'Concetti, Segni e Rappresentazioni Mentali', Iride: Filosofia e discussione pubblica, Vol. 3, 1989.

106. 'Incarnational Anthropology', in D. Cockburn (ed.), Human Beings (Cambridge: C.U.P., 1991).
Reprinted in an extracted version entitled 'Analytical Philosophy and the Nature of the Mind: Time for Another Rebirth?', in T. Szubka & R. Warner (eds), The Mind/Body Problem (Oxford: Blackwell,  1994), pp. 195-203.

107. 'Putnam on Intentionality', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 52, 1992.

108. 'An Embarrassing Question about Reproduction', Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 5, 1992.

109. 'Theories, Concepts and Commonsense - A Reply to Paul Churchland', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,  Vol. 93, 1993.

110. 'Mind/World Identity Theory and the anti-Realist Challenge', in J. Haldane & C. Wright (eds.), Reality, Representation and Projection  (Oxford: O.U.P., 1993).
Reprinted (in Polish) with an appendix in P. Gutowski & T, Szubka (eds), Filozofia Brytyjska U Schylku XX Wieku (British Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth Century) (Lublin: Towarzystwo Nauko, 1999).

111. 'Humanism with a Realist Face', Critical Notice of Hilary Putnam’s Realism with a Human Face, and Il Pragmatismo, Philosophical Books, Vol. 35, 1994.

112. 'MacIntyre’s Thomist Revival: What Next?', in J. Horton & S. Mendus (eds), After MacIntyre (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994).
Translated (into Polish) as “Tomistyczne Wcielenie Macintyre’a: I Co Dalej?”, Zeszyty Naukowe, Rok. 34, 1994.

113. 'The Life of Signs', The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 47, 1994.

114. 'Some Metaphysical Presuppositions of Action', The Heythrop Journal, Vol. 35, 1994.
Translated (into Spanish) as 'Algunas Presuposiciones Metafísicas de la Acción Humana', Annuario Filosofico, Vol. 27, 1994; and in a longer version (into Italian) Discipline Filosofiche, Vol 8, 1998.

115. 'Reason, Truth and Sacred History', Reason in History, Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 67, 1995.

116. 'Realismo e rappresentazione', Iride, Vol. 7, 1994.

117. 'Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Anthropology', in L. Kennedy et al. (eds), Images of the Human, (Chicago: Loyola Press, 1995).

118. 'The Mystery of Emergence', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 96, 1996.

119. 'Coming Home to (Metaphysical) Realism', Philosophy, Vol. 71, 1996.
Translated (into Italian) along with “Nihilism” in Vittorio Possenti  (ed.) Realism, Anti-Realism, Nihilism (Milan, Rubbettino, 2001).

120. 'Intentionality and One-Sided Relations', Ratio, Vol. 9, 1996.

121. 'Rational Animals', in A. O’Hear (ed.) Verstehen and Humane Understanding (Cambridge: C.U.P. 1996) pp. 1-12.

122. 'The Forms of Thought', in L.E. Hahn (ed.), The Philosophy of Roderick M. Chisholm. Library of Living Philosophers Volume 25 (Chicago: Open Court, 1997).

123. 'The Philosophy of Mind', in Encarta Encyclopedia (CD-ROM) (London: Websters, 1998).

124. 'A Return to Form in the Philosophy of Mind', Ratio, Vol. XI, 1998; and in D. Oderberg (ed.), Form and Matter (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999).

125. 'The State and the Fate of Philosophy of Mind', American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 37, 2000.

126. 'Insight, Inference and Intellection', in Insight and Inference: Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 73, 2000.

127. 'The Examined Death', in Philosophical Theology: Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 74, 2001.

128. 'Realism with a Metaphysical Skull', (with response by Putnam) in J. Conant and Urszula Zeglen (eds.) Hilary Putnam: Pragmatism and Realism (London: Routledge, 2002).

129. 'A Thomist Metaphysics', in R. Gale (ed.) Blackwell Guide to Metaphysics (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002).

130. '(I am) Thinking', Ratio, Vol. XVI, No. 2, 2003.

131. 'Contemporary Philosophy of Mind and the Need of Thomism', Iride, Vol. 17, 2004.
132.  “Privative Causality”, Analysis, Vol. 67. No. 294, 2007.

133. 'The Metaphysics of Intellect(ion)', Michael Baur (ed) Intelligence and Philosophy of Mind, ACPA Proceedings, Vol. 80. 2007.

134. 'Gravitas, Moral Efficacy and Social Causes', Analysis, Vol. 68, 2008.

135. 'Metaphysical (Im)mortality and Philosophical Transcendence' in A. O'Hear (ed) Conceptions of Philosophy (Cambridge: CUP, 2009).

136. 'Metaphysical (Im)mortality and Philosophical Transcendence' in A. O'Hear (ed) Conceptions of Philosophy (Cambridge: CUP, 2009).

137. 'Identifying Privative Causes' Analysis Vol. 71, 2011.

Political and Social Philosophy

138.  'Individuals and the Theory of Justice', Ratio, Vol. 27, 1985.

139. 'Christianity and Politics: Another View', Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 40, 1986.

140. 'Political Theory and the Nature of Persons: An Ineliminable Metaphysical Presupposition', Philosophical Papers, Vol. 20, 1991.

141. 'Identity, Community and the Limits of Multiculture', Public Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 7, 1993.
Translated (into Polish) as “Liberalism czy konserwatyzm”, Arka, Vol. 6, 1991, and (into Italian) as “Dal Liberalismo al Nazionalismo”, Iride: Filosofia e discussione pubblica, Vol. 7, 1994.

142. “Children, Families, Autonomy and the State”, in D. Morgan & G. Douglas (eds), Law and the Family  (Stuttgart: Verlag, 1994).

143. 'Religious Toleration”, Synthesis Philosophica. Vol. 9, 1994.

144. 'The Philosophy of Compensation”, with A. Harvey, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 12, 1995.
Reprinted in H. Lafollette (ed.), Ethics in Practice (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).

145. 'The Individual, the State and the Common Good”, Social Philosophy & Policy, Vol. 13; and in F. Miller & J. Paul (eds), Community, Individual and State (Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Reprinted in H. Richardson & P. Weithmann (eds.), The Philosophy of Rawls (Hamden, CT: Garland, 1999).

146.  'The Vulgar Philosophy of Capitalism',. Commentary on Stanley Fish’s ‘Blaming Postmodernism’”, The Responsive Community, Vol. 12, 2001.

147. 'Natural Law and Ethical Pluralism', in R. Madsen & T. Strong (eds.) The Many and the One: Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World (Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 2003).

148. 'A Subject of Distaste: An Object of Judgment”, Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol.  20, 2004; and in E.F. Paul, F.D. Miller and J. Paul (eds.) Morality and Politics (Cambridge: CUP, 2004).

149. 'Orwell, Catholicism and Human Sexuality', in A. Gleason, J. Goldsmith & M. Nussbaum (eds.) On Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell and Our Future (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005).

150. 'Family Matters', Philosophy, Vol. 81, 2006.

151. 'Public Reason, Truth, and Human Fellowship', Journal of Law, Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 1. No. 1, 2006/7.

152. 'The universality of human nature and the distinctness of human cultures', L. Leuzzi (ed) Europa E Nuovo Unamesimo (Genova: San Giorgio, 2007).

 Religion, Philosophy of Religion, and Theology

153. 'Faith and Religious Experience', Faith and Thought,  Vol. 109, 1982.

154. 'Understanding the Human Personality: The Christian Vision', The Furrow, Vol. 33, 1982.

155.  'A Glimpse of Eternity: Near Death Experiences and the Hope of Future Life', Modern Churchman, Vol. 30, 1988.

156. 'Critical Orthodoxy', Louvain Studies, Vol. 14, 1989.

157. 'Can a Catholic be a Liberal?', Melita Theologica, Vol 43, 1992.
Reprinted abridged in The Chesterton Review, Vol. 19, 1994.

158. 'Between Apes and Angels: A Reply to Paul Badham', Modern Believing, Vol. 36, 1994.

159. 'Philosophy and Catholic Education', The Sower, 1995.

160. 'Catholic Education and Catholic Identity', in T. McLaughlin. B. O’Keefe & J. O’Keefe (eds), The Contemporary Catholic School: Identity and Diversity (London: Falmer Press, 1996).

161. 'From Law to Virtue and Back Again', in J. Rogerson et al. (eds), The Use of the Bible in Ethics (Sheffield: University of Sheffield Press, 1995).

162. 'Infallibility, Authority and Faith'. in The Heythrop Journal, Vol. 38, 1997; also in J. Friggieri (ed.), Interfaces (Msida: University of Malta Press, 1997).

163. 'Spirituality in Catholic Education', First Things, No 80, 1998.
Reprinted in J. Conroy (ed.) Catholic Education: Inside-Out, Outside-In (Dublin: Veritas, 1999).

164. 'What Future has Catholic Philosophy?', Virtues and Virtue Theories, Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 69.

165. 'Thomism and the Future of Catholic Philosophy', (with commentaries by Tim Chappell, John Greco, Dagfinn Føllesdal, Bas van Fraassen, Bonnie Kent, Ralph McInerny, Christopher Martin, Hayden Ramsay, Nicholas Rescher, Tom Sullivan, Charles Taylor, and Linda Zagzebski) New Blackfriars, Vol. 80, No. 938, 1999.

166. 'Holding Fast to What is Good: A Reply to Adriaan Peperzak', American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 73, Summer 1999.

167. 'Theism and Science', in W. Sweet (ed.) God and Argument (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1999).

168. 'The Source and Destination of Thought', in P. Helm (ed.), Referring to God (London: Curzon Press, 1999).

169. 'On the Very Idea of Spiritual Values', in A. O’Hear (ed.) Philosophy, the Good, the True and the Beautiful (Cambridge: CUP, 2000).

170. 'Growing Up' in T. Devine (ed.), Scotland’s Shame (Edinburgh: Mainstream, 2000).
Reprinted Educational Worksheet on Bigotry in  (Edinburgh: Tyke, 2002).

171.  'The Diversity of Philosophy and the Unity of its Vocation', in T. L. Smith (ed.)  Faith and Reason (Southbend, IN: St Augustine’s Press, 2001).

172. 'Response to Nagel’s Last Word', Logos, Vol. 5, 2002.

173. 'Concerning the Assumption', in The Heythrop Journal, Vol. 43, 2002.

174. 'Philosophy, The Silencing of Religion and the Prospects of Religious Philosophy', Revue Internationale de Philosophie, (issue on 'Analytic Philosophy of Religion') Vol. 57, 2003.

175. 'Common Sense, Metaphysics and the Existence of God', American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 77, 2003.

176. 'The Place of Philosophy in the Life of the Church: A Time for Renewal” in A. Ivereigh (ed) Journey Unfinished: the Church 40 years after Vatican II (London: Continuum, 2003).

177. 'The Soul', Logos, Vol. 7, Vol. 7, 2004.

178. “Philosophy, the Restless Heart and the Meaning of Theism”, Ratio, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2006.
179. “Philosophy, Death and Immortality”, Philosophical Investigations, Vol. 30. No. 3, 2007.

180. Preface to Dietrich von Hildebrand, The Heart: An Analysis of Human and Divine Affectivity (St Augustine’s Press).

181. 'Phillips and Eternal Life: A Reply to Burley' Philosophical Investigations, Vol 31, 2008.

182. “Meditations, Wagers and Existential Issues: Nicholas Rescher on Religion and Philosophy”, R. Almeder (ed) Rescher Studies (Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008).

183. 'A Plea on Behalf of Life' Pastoral Review Vol. 5, 2009

184. 'The Argument from Beauty Re-examined ' Humaitas Vol. 10, 2009

185. “Causes, Reason and Grace', New Blackfriars, Vol. 90, 2009.

186. “The Ethical Dimension of Inter-cultural Dialogue” Downside Review Vol. 127, 2009.

Additional essays, interviews, reviews, etc. in the following (by subject area):

Art Book, Art Monthly, Burlington Magazine, Modern PaintersScotsman, Tate.

Current Affairs
Contemporary Review, Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Economist Information Strategy, Herald, Il Sole 24, Mail on Sunday, New StatesmanScotsman, Sunday Herald, Times, Znak.

Art Education, British Journal of Religious Education, Guardian (Education), Mentor.

John Buchan Journal, The Scottish Review.

Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Ends and Means, European Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Medical Ethics, Journal of Philosophy, Mind, Philosophical Books, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy, Review of Metaphysics, Review of Politics.

Religion and Theology
AD 2000, Catholic Dossier, Catholic Herald, Catholic Times, Christian, CommonwealCrisis, Faith, Furrow, HeythropJournal, Life and Work, Modern Theology, Month, New Blackfriars, Priests and People, Religious Studies, St Austin Review, Scottish Catholic Observer, Tablet, Times Book of Prayers, Universe.

Television Broadcasts
BBC: Heart of the Matter, Newsnight (and Newsnight Scotland), Twenty Four Hours
ITV GMTV; STV/Grampian Inquisition, Turning Points, etc.
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Radio Broadcasts
BBC Radio Three: Nightwaves, The Brains Trust, Concert Intermission Talks
BBC Radio Four: Afternoon Shift, In Our Time, Moral Maze, Today Programme, Start the Week and Sunday Programme.
BBC Radio Scotland: Benchmark, Colin Bell Programme, Colin McKay Programme, Good Morning Scotland, Personal Touch, Realms of Engagement, Sally on Sunday, Speaking Out, Thought for the Day, The Usual Suspects and Values Added.
BBC Radio Ulster Sunday Sequence
BBC World Service: Agenda, Matter for Debate, Newsround, Politics UK, and The World Today.
ABC (Australia): Late Night Live, and National Breakfast Programme
RTE (Eire): Talking Ideas.
USA Public Service Radio Why I am a Theist (30 minute radio interview)

Additional Links

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American Catholic Philosophical Association
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Summa Theologiae (English)
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Thomas Aquinas
Alasdair MacIntyre
Hilary Putnam
Thomas Reid and essay by Reid 'Of Power'

News Sources

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Last Updated January, 2010