Reproductive Health

In Scotland, sanitary products are now free to anyone who needs them. Those who need access to these products should not be unable to due to cost, and the university supports the initiative to support students. There are various places around the university that you can access these free products;

  • Main Library (top floor toilets)
  • Sports Centre (changing room)
  • Students' Association (toilets)
  • Any hall of residence

The Students Union also hold giveaways of reusable period products, and you can also pick up these products from the Director of Wellbeing, on the middle floor of the Union.

Any student can also gain access to free pregnancy tests though the Union. You can ask the Director of Wellbeing or Iain Cupples for one, if needed. 

What support do we offer? 

Student Services is here to support and advise students around difficulties that can arise while studying. If you believe you are pregnant, we can help give you advice around the impact this could have on your studies and what support is available to you. You can book an appointment to speak to a member of staff or email for advice. You can also see our latest groups and workshops on our Instagram

Alternative Internal Support

You can access self-help through various University channels such as:

External Support

If you would like to access some self-help materials here are a list of alternative support resources: