Support and resources for students experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs

Updated on: 13 June 2024

Help and information for students about substance misuse.

Going to university gives us many choices, including using substances like alcohol. Misuse of these substances can cause problems in various areas of life.

At St Andrews we encourage and support our students to take their health and wellbeing seriously by making positive choices in life.  

We would encourage you to maintain your own personal boundaries. If someone is putting pressure on you to do something you don’t want to do, there are resources for bullying and harassment. You can also get support from Student Services.  

How the University can help

Realising you may need help with substance misuse is the first step to recovery. 

  • Student Services offer specialist support and resources for your wellbeing and mental health
  • Got Limits is a student initiative that offers training workshops and resources for students to promote health, safety, and inclusivity around alcohol in St Andrews.  
  • The Chaplaincy pastoral care service offers support and guidance to all students and staff regardless of their faith or philosophy of life.

Other places to find help

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Student support