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Theology, Imagination and the Arts


The Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts (ITIA) is one of the leading centres in the world for bringing together the study and practice of theology and the arts.

In the stunning medieval town of St Andrews, perched on the cliffs of the North Sea, scholars and artists from across the world come together to engage in study, conversation and research about the role of the arts within theology, and the place of theology within the arts.

The Institute is part of St Mary’s College, the School of Divinity at the University of St Andrews. Founded in 2000, the Institute is a flourishing and convivial academic community that fosters innovation and excellence in interdisciplinary research. It is directed by Dr Gavin Hopps, and comprises five full-time staff, about thirty graduate students, and several part-time, honorary, and post-doctoral fellows.


graduate programmes
Weekly research seminarWeekly
research seminar
Award-winning blog TranspositionsAward-winning online journal
Publishing programmePartnerships with Ashgate
and Journal of Inklings Studies
Arts events
Conferences & Events

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Making art in dialogue
with theologians


George Corbett small Judith Wolfe rebekah lamb

Dr Gavin Hopps

Literature and Theology

                         Prof. George Corbett

Theology and the Arts

Prof. Judith Wolfe

Philosophical Theology

Dr Rebekah Lamb

Theology and the Arts

Dr Caleb Froehlich

Theology and the Arts


Dr King-Ho Leung
Philosophy of Religion
Dr Sarah Moerman
Theology and Music


Prof. James McMillan
Theology and Music
Dr Natasha O’Hear
Theology and Visual Arts

St Mary’s College, the School of Divinity in the University of St Andrews: