LGBT Charter

2017 University awarded LGBT Charter 

The University successfully renewed its LGBT Charter in 27 Oct 2017 (next renewal in 2024 TBC) following submission work undertaken and expert advice provided by LGBT Youth Scotland (contact:

Image of the LGBT Charter presented to the University on 15 Dec 2017:


Most LGBT Friendly Organisation (Education): University of St Andrews (awarded 17 Aug 2013)

The University’s E&D Officer collected the award on behalf of the University at the ‘National LGBT Awards’ ceremony, held in Ayr, West Scotland on Saturday evening (17 Aug 2013) beating off competition from the Scottish education sector.  The invitation only event was open to universities and colleges across Scotland; the NHS; Scottish Police; Scottish Government funded agencies; and representatives from the Scottish Parliament.

The award helps demonstrate the work undertaken across the University; the Students’ Union and LGBT Society, to ensure that the working and studying environments are inclusive for anyone regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation:

2013 University awarded LGBT Charter

The LGBT Charter of Rights is a list of rights based on the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)' and the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)' that some LGBT people feel that they are denied due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Charter first awarded to the University on 16 May 2013, renewed in Oct 2017. 

The success follows a two-year programme of awareness and engagement, with positive contributions on training, policy development and service delivery made by HR; Student Services; CAPOD; RBS; Estates; Students’ Association; Library Service; Careers Service; Sports Centre; and the School of Medicine.

Jodie Fleming, LGBT Charter Co-ordinator: I am delighted to congratulate the University of St Andrews for successfully completing their LGBT Charter, portfolio includes evidence of:  

  • A particularly impressive range of appropriate and relevant web links, which are easily accessible and provides direct information for LGBT people as well as signposting to other relevant organisations.
  • Visible resources all around the University, including posters and leaflets, which are available in all departments.  These are regularly checked and updated.
  • An excellent range of events and outreach projects with good signposting.  We were particularly impressed with the diverse range of lgbt based events held at the University, and the buy-in of and attendance by staff and students that these received.
  • Updating links to LGBT specialist services on their website.
  • Regular and very active attendance at the Fife LGBT Services Development Group, sharing examples of good practise with other organisations and engaging in joint work with other members.
  • An impressive array of awareness training internally, which clearly covers LGBT equality and diversity, that is undertaken by staff and contractors alike.
  • An action plan which will ensure LGBT work continues.

We would specifically like to thank Sukhi Bains, Equality and Diversity Officer, for his hard work.  At all times he has championed diversity with the utmost of gusto, using the charter process as a learning tool and in no way a ‘tick-box’ experience.  He is a fine role model as a champion of diversity, clearly fully committed to ensuring the highest standard possible of diversity in policy and practice.

This has been a pleasant journey and it is a pleasure to mark the success of the University of St Andrews, and to also recognise and mark the significant amount of work developed by Sukhi Bains and also the vibrant and thriving LGBT Society of St Andrews, which supports these processes at all levels, from policy through to training and delivery.

In achieving this Charter you have demonstrated to young people, communities, staff and external stakeholders that you have taken LGBT equality seriously, and have made significant progress in ensuring that discrimination will be challenged and diversity will be welcomed.

I look forward to our continued working relationship and once again congratulate you on your significant achievement.

Image of the Co-ordinator awarding the Charter to the Head of E&D:

LGBT Charter Mark Presentation

Student Services (ASC) were ‘mystery shopped' via phone call by a young person enquiring about how to access LGBT support at the University, and front line staff were able to direct the person to the relevant place in a concise and appropriate manner.

LGBT Youth Scotland

Information: The largest youth and community-based organisation for LGBT people in Scotland. The charity's mission is to “empower lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people and the wider LGBT community so that they are embraced as full members of the Scottish family at home, school and in every community."

Particular values that inform their work include:

  • To be young person centred
  • To work with dignity and respect for others
  • To be supportive and caring
  • To respect human rights and community responsibility
  • To be a reflective practitioner



Since 2017, individual departments and units within the University have continued to work on various submissions to LGBT Youth Scotland. In 2021, Saints Sport successfully became the first department to complete its bid for the silver charter mark. They were also the first University sports department across Scotland to earn this accreditation, showcasing the continued effort of our staff to be at the forefront of equality, diversity, and inclusion. More information can be found here:


In 2022 the University will renew its bid to the LGBT Charter, showcasing a continued commitment to fostering an environment which allows every person to live authentically as themselves, thriving during their time at St Andrew's. It continues our long history of allyship and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community and world-leading support for students and staff.

 LGBT+ Life at St Andrews