14 results found
  1. Heading for the results group

  2. Pay expenses to someone who is not a member of University staff

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/pay-non-staff-expenses/

    Understand how to request a person is set up as a claimant so they can get their expenses reimbursed when they are not University staff.

  3. Heading for the results group

  4. Receive payments from customers

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/receive-customer-payments/

    Information for staff who need to raise invoices or credit notes and set up or update University customer information.

  5. Heading for the results group

  6. Bank cash or cheques

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/bank-cash-cheques/

    Information for staff who handle payments made to the University using cash or cheques.

  7. Heading for the results group

  8. Return goods or services

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/return-goods-services/

    Items can only be returned if the return is in line with the supplier's policy and the order has been receipted by a buyer or requester in Oracle Fusion.

  9. Heading for the results group

  10. Auto-populate fields in Oracle Fusion when requesting goods or services

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/request-goods-services-auto-populate-fields/

    How to set up preferences when making a requisition request.

  11. Heading for the results group

  12. Request goods or services

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/request-goods-services/

    Understand how University staff can request goods or services, also know as raising a requisition.

  13. Heading for the results group

  14. Request a corporate credit card

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/request-corporate-credit-card/

    The steps you need to take to request a University corporate credit card and how the card can be used.

  15. Heading for the results group

  16. What to do when you are absent and are set up as an approver in Oracle Fusion

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/set-up-rule-absent-approver/

    If you are set up to approve requisitions, purchase orders, expense claims or credit card coding and you will be away from work, set up a rule so someone else can approve these actions while you are away. This rule should be used to cover where you

  17. Heading for the results group

  18. Make changes to an order request or requisition

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/make-changes-order-requisition/

    Changes must be made with caution and can only be made to orders that have not yet been changed into purchase orders.

  19. Heading for the results group

  20. Receive and receipt an order

    Password protected https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/guides/receive-receipt-order/

    Only requesters or buyers can receipt items in Oracle Fusion. Learn how to receipt an item and what information is needed.